Все публикации

Health Check Up: Current Medical “Standards of Care” in U.S. Jails, Prisons, and Detention Centers

Just How Bad? The Nature & Extent of Health Inequities for People in the U.S. Criminal Legal System

Countermobilization & Community Control (trina reynolds-tyler, Shakeer Rahman & Cynthia Conti-Cook)

RICO and Surveillance of Gangs & Protest Movements (with Babe Howell and Micah Herskind)

New Terrain for Surveillance in Prisons (with Beryl Lipton, Daniel Schwarz, and Nila Bala)

Profiling in a Digital Age: Facial Recognition, Video Surveillance, and Policing (with Deborah Raji)

Police Social Media Monitoring (with Rachel Levinson-Waldman and Josh Raisler Cohn)

Abolition of Policing: Intervention and Investment in Human Needs (with Alex Vitale)

Criminal Courts and the Abolition Movement (with Matthew Clair & Amanda Woog)

Building Community Power toward Abolition (with Jocelyn Simonson, Tracy McCarter, and Rachel Foran)

Toward Prison Abolition: Redress, Repair, and Transforming Harm in Community (with Danielle Sered)

What Process is Due? Community Organizing to Transform Parole

Program in Criminal Justice Graduate Student Research Showcase

'We Live Amongst Each Other': Small-Town Policing and Acquainted Marginality with David Showalter

A Reimagined Public Safety: The Case of the Bromley-Heath Tenant Management Corporation

Does Perpetual Punishment Produce Safety? Executive Mercy and Access to Clemency with Rachel Barkow

The Ethnographic Realities of Police Reform: Scenario Trainings and Police Common Sense

Mass Supervision: Fix it, Shrink it, or Abolish it? with Vincent Schiraldi

Does Reform Affect Community Safety? Fighting Disinformation around the IL Pretrial Fairness Act

The Costs and Consequences of Bail and Pretrial Detention

What If?—Pretrial Justice Institute's Campaign to Spark Local Pretrial Change

Policing Across the Pond: The Promise of Minimalism in British Policing with Ian Loader

Why did voters reject plans to replace the Minneapolis Police Department? with Michelle Phelps

Reducing Racial Disparities by Removing Police from Traffic Enforcement with Sarah Seo