Все публикации

Rings: Ideals: Theorem 5

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Rings: Ideal- Subring: Theorem 4

Rings: Center of a Ring: Theorem 3

Rings: Subrings: Theorem 2

Rings: Subrings: Theorem 1

Subgroups: Theorem 8: Centre of Group: Lecture-11

Subgroups: Theorem 7: Lecture- 10

Subgroups: Center of a group : Lecture 9

Subgroups: Theorem 5: Lecture 7

Subgroups: Theorem 6: Lecture 8

Subgroups: Theorem 4 : Lecture 6

Subgroups: Theorem 3: Lecture 4

Subgroups: Methods to prove subgroups: Lecture -5

Subgroups: Lecture -3

Ring: Definition

Subring: Definition and important Notes: Lecture -1

Subgroups: Theorem 1-Lecture -2

Algebra: Ideals Definition and important points: Lecture -1

Algebra: Subgroup: definition and Example- Lecture 1

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