Все публикации

Valedictory : ATAL FDP on High Performance Computing for Data Intensive and Complex AI Applications

Session 12: Algorithm Optimization on HPC - CUDA Programming (Hands on Sessions) - Dr. Vamsi (Sabbi)

Session 11: Optimization, Algorithms, and Workflows (Theory&Handson) - Shri Om Jadhav

Session 10: OpenACC Programming (Theory & Hands on Session)

Session 9: Research Paper Discussion on HPC - Parallel Computing (Theory/Demo) - Dr. Lov kumar

Session 8: AI and Machine Learning, Deep Learning with HPC & Frameworks - Dr. Raghavendra Kune

Session 7 : Parallel Programming with MPI (Hands on Session)

Session 6: Parallel Programming with MPI (Theory)

Session 5: Parallel Computing Models and Architectures (Theory)

Session 4 : OpenMP for Parallel Programming (Hands on Session) - Prof. Devi Mahalakshmi

Session 3 : Introduction to OpenMP (Installation, Setup, Slurm, OpenMP Basics)- Dr. Rajesh Doriya

Session-1: Introduction to HPC & Applications - Shri Ashish Kuvelkar, Scientist G, CDAC, Pune

Inauguration of ATAL FDP on HPC for Data Intensive and Complex AI Applications

Session-2: Reinventing High Performance Computing: Challenges and Opportunities - Mr.Raghunandan M

CBIT Orientation Day 2024-25

CBIT, Hyderabad - Research Day 2023

Guests Speeches - Inauguration - 5th Research Day 2023, R&E, CBIT

Inauguration - 5th Research Day 2023 - R&E, CBIT

Institute Day _ Shruthi - 2023


Institute Day _ Shruthi - 2022

Matlab Training Programme

Republic Day Celebrations at CBIT

Republic Day Celebrations at CBIT