Все публикации

Problems Plus 6: Largest Sphere in a Sphere

Problems Plus 5: Infinite Sum of Vector Projections is a Geometric Series

Problems Plus 4: Plane Flying in Wind

Problems Plus 3: Line and Surface of Two Intersecting Planes

Problems Plus 2: Volume Around a Box (and Area Around a Rectangle)

Problems Plus 1: Tightly Packed Balls in a Box (and Tightly Packed Circles in a Square)

Vectors and the Geometry of Space: Problems Plus

Exercise 6: Surveying: Elevation Correction due to Earth's Curvature using Taylor Polynomials

Exercise 5: Approximating the Period of a Pendulum using the Binomial and Geometric Series

Exercise 4: Approximating the Velocity of a Shallow Water Wave using Maclaurin Series

Exercise 3: Approximating Electric Field of Electric Dipoles using Binomial Series

Exercise 2: Deriving the 1st Order and 3rd Order Optics Formulas

Magnetic Isopotentials Explain the Faraday Paradox, Stern-Gerlach Experiment, and Atomic Orbitals

Exercise 1: Taylor Derivatives Equal the Function's Derivatives at x = a

Approximating Optical Refraction using Taylor Polynomials

Example 3: Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity vs. Classical Theory for Kinetic Energy

Example 2: Approximating sin(x) with Taylor Polynomials and Calculating its Error

Genomes: DNA Sequencing, Non-coding RNA, and Genetic Mutations

DNA, RNA, Gene Expression, and the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

🔬#MESExperiments 41: Homopolar Magnet Screw Motor

Cell Cycle: Mitosis, Meiosis, and Binary Fission

Photosynthesis: Converting Light Energy into Chemical Energy

🔬#MESExperiments 40: Replicating Viktor Schauberger's Rising Egg Experiment in REVERSE

Metabolism: Thermodynamics, Redox (Reduction-Oxidation) Reactions, Fermentation