Все публикации

Smerna Steires

ROV test detection recognise for the system


Katolisthisi Sl

fifish peristera 20220627 2026

Capture 08

fifish peristera 20220627 2026

Camera Live Excavation

Capture 01

Cam 5 Wiper

Unbeliavable Cormoranos hunting

Παρουσίαση του συστήματος NOUS στην εκπομπή Ο3 της ΕΡΤ3

NOUS at the 2nd International Conference: Dive in Blue Growth

Flock of fish

A golden grouper

Muraena & Groupers

Becarefull the muraena!!

Unbeliavable a cormornant dives at -25 meters!

NOUS Cam5 - Spectacular!!!

All the cameras of Peristera NOUS System

Ancient 'Acropolis of the sea' opens to divers Reuters

ROV test detection - regognise for the system

NOUS Camera 3 wiper test