Все публикации

Channel Design

Layer properties and display options

Shoreline data

Triton XTF side scan data import

Humminbird side scan data import

Import Humminbird echo sounder export data as Hydromagic raw data

Import Odom raw data files

Export to ESRI shape file format

Triton eXtended Format files

Volume Calculation using cross-sections

Hydromagic Manual Inclinometer Plugin

Export return envelope as CSV files

Export to Google Earth KML/KMZ files

Export Comma Separated Values (ASCII) files

Export SEG-Y files from Hydromagic

Hydromagic Manual Draft Plugin

Export raw data as HYPACK raw data files

Hydromagic Excavator Simulator Plugin

Import Matrix from ASCII XYZ data

Export matrix in thid party data formats

Volume calculation using matrix or matrices

Volume Calculation (Stages)

Importing sounding data

Importing and exporting soundings in Hydromagic