Все публикации

Webinar BILT: O Quadro de Inovação TVET da UNESCO-UNEVOC

BILT webinar: A catalyst for skills transformation - the UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Innovation Framework

Youth voices of Mansoor, Sultan and Hamad, students of ACTVET, a UNEVOC Centre in UAE

BILT Learning Lab - VR in VET: the promises and pitfalls (Translation in Vietnamese)

BILT Learning Lab - VR in vocational education and training: the promises and pitfalls (English)

BILT Learning Lab - VR in VET: the promises and pitfalls (Original audio)

BILT Learning Lab H2Skills

UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Innovation Framework: A catalyst for skills transformation in Brazil (2024)

BILT Clean Energy Webinar Series: The future of the transition economy and clean energy in TVET

Entrepreneurship Webinar Series #4: Empowering Change: Entrepreneurship for Social Innovation

Entrepreneurship Webinar Series #3: Fostering Sustainable Entrepreneurship for a Green Economy

Entrepreneurship Webinar Series #2: Transforming Entrepreneurship in the Connected Era

Entrepreneurship Webinar series #1: Promoting Entrepreneurial Learning in TVET

Key takeaways BILT Clean Energy Webinar Series, Webinar 3. Collaboration and network building

Day 3 Highlights, BILT Learning Forum, December 10, 2021

Jour 1 - BILT Learning Form, 7 décembre 2021

Day 2 Highlights - BILT Learning Forum, December 9, 2021

Day 1 Summary - BILT Learning Forum, December 8, 2021

Webinar 3. Collaboration and network building to foster innovation

Key takeaways BILT Clean Energy Webinar Series, Webinar 2. Integrating new competencies

Key takeaways BILT Clean Energy Webinar Series, Webinar 1: Preparing the labour force

Webinar 2. Mechanisms for integration of new skills and competencies into TVET curricula

UNESCO Global Skills Academy (2024)

WYSD 2024 - Collage of Youth Voices