Все публикации

Survival of the fittest isn't all there is to know about nature #shorts #podcastclips #evolution

How pipes in ancient Egypt led to medical discoveries #shorts #podcastclips #medicine #history

Can I borrow your truck? #shorts #podcastclips #tools #truck #science #technology

Thoreau's response to new technologies and information #shorts #podcastclips #thoreau #technology

Social media is the new sports stadium #shorts #podcastclips #socialmedia #sports #humanity

Media Technologies and Practices of Hope with Dr. Jeff Bilbro #podcast #media #technology #hope

Church as a place for community #shorts #podcastclips #christianity #church #community #socialmedia

The issue with Cultural Christianity #shorts #podcastclips #christianity #theology #bigquestions

If there's no free will, here's the problem #shorts #podcastclips #freewill #christianity #atheism

How did C.S. Lewis use Narnia to interest readers in Christianity? #shorts #podcastclips #christian

Christianity grew because it was weird #shorts #podcastclips #christianity #history #theology

The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God with Justin Brierley #podcast #theology #christianity

Wild or farmed salmon? Giving attention to the beautiful #shorts #podcastclips #nature #beauty

The desecration of the earth #shorts #podcastclips #environment #pollution #nature #earth #science

Heidegger's expectation vs. anticipation as shown through Paul & Thessalonians #shorts #podcastclips

Reading the New Testament through the lens of political eschatology #shorts #podcastclips #bible

The early Christian's eschatological hope #shorts #podcastclips #eschatology #christianity

Political Eschatology with Dr. Sean McGrath #podcast #politicalphilosophy #theology #eschatology

Aquinas and the Chinese masters agree on this point #shorts #podcastclips #aquinas #philosophy

A Chinese-Catholic view on Christ as a ritual sage #shorts #podcastclips #religion #philosophy

The complexities between Chinese masters and Christian leaders of thought #shorts #podcastclips

Did Heaven select the new king in Mengzi Book 5? #shorts #podcastclips #confucianism

Natural vs. Supernatural Happiness in Confucianism and Catholicism #shorts #podcastclips #philosophy

Look at an apple. What do you see? #shorts #podcastclips #philosophy #heidegger #thinking #wonder