Все публикации

Rey Dau The Showdown MHwilds

Monster Hunter World I'm back!!!

Spyro is pure joy to play

MH Wilds Beta The Hunt begins anew

Stellar Blade Bruce Lee and the Bride would be proud

Stellar Blade Haven Green Tea solution

Destroying a Chimera DD2

Up up and awaaay!!! DD2

Hunters vs Glavenus starring Jonte and myself

BloodBorne Hunter vs Furious Rajang

Let me introduce you to my latest weapon....

BloodBorne Hunter and friends vs Raging Brachydios

Bloodborne Hunter vs Shara Ishvalda

BloodBorne Hunter vs Rajang

Fastest coop kill Nergigante ever? High Rank

Learning the most Stylish weapon in Monster Hunter

Let's hunt the Absolute Zero

Teostra has been Teostrad

Kushala Daora has been Daorad

Let's ride the B-52 Bomber

Let's hunt the flying Satan

Let's hunt the Fanged Red Blur

Let's hunt a Magnificent Beauty

Let's hunt a rolling hedgehog