Все публикации

Going to Lamborghini Store in Beggar Dress!

Living in Smallest vs Biggest Hotel in the World!

Online Shopping

I Tested Banned Kid Toys!

Does Dog translator work?

how i went from 0 to 1 Million Subs!

Surprising him with 100 Gifts BUT HE ONLY KEEPS ONE!

Level 1 to 100 Dangerous Skills!

Level 1 to 100 Impossible Skills!

Living with Lion for a day!

Living for Free in World’s Richest City

Surprising Brother with PS5

Expensive Pens

Turning ₹1 to iPhone in 6 Days!

Most Expensive Starbucks Coffee

I Found Real Gold while Treasure Hunting

Asking Rich People to drive their Cars

Asking Rich People to Sleep in their House

Living in Supercar for 24 Hours!

Turning ₹1 to iPhone in 7 Days!

I Gave him ₹1 Lakh but only 1 Hour to Spend it

Gold Burger

I Gave him ₹1,00,000 but only 1 Hour to Spend it!

Throwing a Dart and BUYING Whatever it Lands on!