Все публикации

Sylvanas Windrunner Complete Story - All Cinematics In Order [World of Warcraft Lore}

Remembering World of Warcraft: A Complete Journey (20 Years Nostalgia Music & Ambience)

Azshara Shatters Azeroth Cinematic: Sylvanas vs Greymane & Khadgar Teleports Dalaran [WoW Lore}

Harronir Sees Azeroth Cinematic: Kirin Tor Fate & Gallywix Digs Undermine [WoW Lore 11.07]

Archaedas Talks About Titans, Azeroth Soul and Old Gods - All Cutscenes [WoW 11.0.7 Lore}

Anduin Meets Sylvanas In Maw Cinematic - Lor'thermar Looks for Kael'thas [WoW Lore}

First time Xalatath rages and loses to Alleria.

Illidan to Maiev. “But the huntress is nothing without the hunt”

Demon Hunters fight Over Illidan

Fifty Layers of Shadow? Percival, Nasty bird

Arthas vs Illidan Cinematic: Original vs Remastered - Arthas Ascends Frozen Throne [Warcraft 3 End]

The Arakkoa Gather Cinematic: Legend of Terrok & Spires of Arak [WoW Lore Part 3]

Anduin's Theme: All Versions ft. Arthas - An Karanir Thanagor | World of Warcraft

Genn being Anduin’s grandpa for 30 seconds

Archimonde sends Gul’dan to Azeroth

Do not let da horde die dis day. “No, She wouldn’t “

Sylvanas Rallies Horde

Gul’dan Attacks Broken Shore Cinematics: Archimonde's Death - Sylvanas Becomes Warchief [WoW lore}

Illidan’s Return Cinematic: Maiev Releases Demon Hunters - Cordana’s Betrayal [WoW: Lore part 7]

Gul’dan Kills Tirion Fordring

Gul'dan Attacks Broken Shore : Maiev Releases Demon hunters & Sylvanas Saves Horde [WoW Part 7]

Teron Gorefiend after feasting upon a 1000 souls. THICC

Scourge of a 1000 worlds, the might of a legion. DRINK

Kargath Bladefist, underrated warchief. Was actually meant to survive Highmaul originally