Все публикации

Grandma Is NOT Okay #shorts #scary #cgi

Naked Space Giant eats Earth #astrophobia #cosmichorror #shorts

Naked Space Giant visits Earth (cosmic horror/megalophobia animation)

Alien Space Fish (astrophobia animation) #shorts #scary #space

Alien Space Fish (sci-fi horror animation)

A monster's tea party #shorts #horror #cgi

Giant Space Whale attacks Earth #shorts #cosmichorror #astrophobia

He just wants a friend

Creature in the Lake (thalassophobia animation)

Cthulhu meets his match #shorts #bloop #thalassophobia

Cthulhu attacks you #short #thalassophobia #ocean

The Bloop vs Cthulhu showdown #shorts #thalassophobia #cthulhu

Cthulhu vs. The Bloop Epic Battle (thalassophobia/megalophobia animation)

Space Whale eats Earth (Alternate Ending)

Hiding in the ocean #shorts #thalassophobia #ocean

Godzilla gets nuked #shorts #cgi #horror

Godzilla gets nuked (who wins?)

Space Whales Are Coming #shorts #cosmichorror #scary

Space Whales Attack (astrophobia animation)

Mr. Friend EVERY PHOBIA Animation Compilation PART 2

The Bloop spotted (thalassophobia animation)

Bloop spotted #shorts #thalassophobia #ocean

Beware of hitchhikers #shorts #scary #chewinggumman

Galactic Savior... Sort of (astrophobia animation) #shorts #cosmichorror #space