Все публикации

Ripples on the #lake #nature #peaceful #naturesounds

American toad in the forest #toad #amphibian #nature #animals #forest #fall

Bald eagle fly-over #eagle #birds #nature

Great blue heron takes flight in the Rio Grande #riogrande #heron #birds #desert #nature #river

Gray Fox along the Rio Grande #riogrande #bosque #fox #grayfox #wildlife #nature

Nature along the Rio Grande #fox #hawk #roadrunner #nature #desert

Young #hummingbird coming in for a landing #desert #nature #garden #newmexico

Rufous hummingbird visiting desert willow #birds #desert #nature #hummingbird #newmexico

Baby barn swallows about to leave the nest #birds #desert #newmexico #nature

#Roadrunner with breakfast #newmexico #desert #birds #nature

Close encounter with Swainson’s hawk hunting doves in a pecan tree #nature #newmexico #birds #hawk

Rainy sunset at La Cueva/ Dripping Springs #sunset #rain #newmexico #skies #desert

Goldfinch in red yucca #nature #birds #goldfinch #newmexico #desert

Cottontail in the morning sunlight #desert #nature #morning #rabbit #newmexico

Baby rock wrens fed by parent #birds #rockwren #desert #nature

Buck mule deer leaping across trail #deer #buck #nature #mountains #newmexico

Swainson’s hawk taking off from a yucca #hawk #nature #desert #sky #newmexico

Cottontail having breakfast #nature #rabbit #desert

Baby great horned owl in the sunlight #owl #newmexico

Hummingbird preening in the desert #nature #hummingbird #desert #newmexico

Hummingbird drinking from small handheld feeder #hummingbird #lascruces #newmexico #birds

Pipevine swallowtail #butterfly on red #yucca #nature #desert #newmexico

Hummingbird in a yucca #newmexico #desert #nature #hummingbird

Male Gambel’s quail on a sunny morning. #quail #bird #desert #newmexico #lascruces