Все публикации

AWS Lecture-63 | How to create your own VPC ? | You must know!🔥

AWS Lecture-62 | Why VPC is required ? | You must know!🔥

AWS Lecture-61 | AWS S3 Glacier Deep Archive | You must know!🔥

AWS Lecture-60 | AWS S3 Glacier Storage Classes | You must know!🔥

AWS Lecture-59 | AWS S3 Storage Classes Type Standard | Infrequent | Glacier (In Hindi)🔥

AWS Lecture-58 | S3 Bucket Same Region Replication Policy | Important LAB (In Hindi)🔥

AWS Lecture-57 | Create a S3 Bucket Cross region replication Policy | Important LAB (In Hindi)🔥

AWS Lecture-56 | Create a S3 Bucket Policy to access Specific User only(In Hindi)🔥

AWS Lecture-55 | Master in Static website Hosting in S3 Bucket(In Hindi)🔥

AWS Lecture-54 | Create a S3 Bucket Policy to Deny access to Multiple Group of IAM User(In Hindi)🔥

AWS Lecture-53 | Project setup for Create a S3 Bucket Policy to access only Root User (In Hindi)🔥

AWS Lecture-52 | Important LAB in S3 Bucket Policy(Read Only Access) | You must know!🔥

AWS Lecture-51 | Master in S3 Bucket Policy | You must know!🔥

AWS Lecture-50 | Why S3 Bucket Versioning is required in a project? | Theory + Important(LAB)🔥

AWS Lecture-49 | Important S3 Bucket LAB1 | You must know!(In Hindi)🔥

AWS Lecture-48 | Master in Simple Storage Service(s3) | You must know!(In Hindi)🔥

AWS Lecture-47 | Important IAM Policy setup on a Project | Theory + Important(LAB)🔥

AWS Lecture-46 | Creating a Custom policy using JSON(Important LAB )🔥

AWS Tutorial-45 | AWS Service to service communication using IAM(In Hindi) 🔥

AWS Tutorial-44 | Creating an IAM (MFA)Multi-Factor Authentication (In Hindi)🔥

AWS Tutorial-43 | IAM Project setup Lab2 | You must know!(In Hindi)🔥

AWS Tutorial-42 | Important lab for creating an IAM Project setup | You must know!🔥

AWS Tutorial-41 | Hidden Secret of an Identity and Access Management (IAM) | You must know!🔥

AWS Tutorial-40 | Master in Least Connections Algorithm | You must know!🔥