Все публикации

How long is a cold contagious? #Cold #viralinfection #coldvirus

How many bones in the body?#bones #trivia #healthtrivia #medical

What is the most common blood type? #trivia #medicaltrivia #triviagames #triviaquiz #medical #blood

Acute Intermittent Porphyria #aip #porphyria #usmle #usmlepreparation #medstudent #medical

Vitamin C does not prevent colds #vitaminc #usmle #usmlepreparation #medicalstudent #medical

Most common cause of Headache #headache #headaches #usmle #usmlepreparation #medstudent #medstudent

Chronic Cough #usmle #chroniccough #cough #postnasaldrip #usmlepreparation #medstudent

Cause of Neutropenic Fever #usmle #medicalstudent #usmlepreparation #neutropenia #Neutropenicfever

Most common cause of bacterial pneumonia #pneumonia #lunginfection #bacterial #usmle #medstudent

Secondary hypertension from renal artery stenosis #hypertension #renalarterystenosis

Factor V Leiden #dvt #factorV #FactorfiveLeiden #thrombophilia #dvt #pe #usmle #usmlepreparation

Where does lung cancer spread? #lungcancer #usmle #medicalstudent #usmlepreparation #nsclc #sclc

Lung Cancer Symptoms #lungcancer #NSCLC #lungcancerawareness #usmle #usmlepreparation #usmlecourse

Acute Intermittent Poryphria #Porphyria #abdominalpain #usmlepreparation #usmle #medstudent #medical

Location for bony metastastatic prostate cancer.#prostatecancer #metastasis #medicalstudent

Question: What is the most common symptom in pulmonary embolism?#pulmonary embolism #PE

Thrombophilic defect #Prothrombin gene mutation #Thrombophilia #dvt #bloodclot

Bladder outlet obstruction in men? #Benign prostatic hypertrophy #BPH #bladder outlet obstruction

Question: Which chromosome has been most commonly implicated in inherited renal cell carcinoma?

Pulmonary symptom of RA?#medicalstudent #rheumatoidarthritis #pleuraleffusion #Pleurisy#RA

Question: What is the most common lesion following rheumatic heart disease? #medical #mitral

Question: What is the most common organism causing acute bacterial pyelonephritis? #pyelonephritis

Question: Which pattern ANA is seen most commonly in patients with scleroderma and Sjogren syndrome?

Common form rheumatoid factor. #medical#medical questions#rheumatoidarthritis #rf#rheumatoidfactor