Все публикации

Passing People $10,000 in Traffic

I Won An Award On Live TV

Cutting People in Line, Then Demanding They Pay For Me

Surprising Mexicans at Home Depot With Cash and BBQ Party

Paying Strangers Rents in Suga Sean O'Malleys City

Asking Strangers the Time, Then Giving Them a Rolex

Paying Mothers Rents

How To Pick Up A Married Woman

Giving $100 To 100 Hard Workers

Stealing From Shops, Then Paying Them 100X

Milkman Pays Peoples Rent

Sneaking $500 Into Strangers Pockets

Paying Strangers Rents in Utah

Santa Gives Strangers Expensive Gifts

Selling Gaming PC's For $1

Asking Strangers For Food On Thanksgiving Day, Then Paying Their Rent

Drive-By Giveaway

Giving strangers wallets FULL of cash

Picking Up a German Girl in New York City

Paying Strangers Rents In The Hood

Giving $100 to 100 College Students

First I’m sour, then I’m sweet

Homeless Man Pays Peoples Rent

Women love men with trucks