Все публикации

Insulin is a hormone

Glucose is the prime fuel of the brain

Is the glycemic index useful?

What should you do when your blood sugar is off?

How much amino acids should you have?

Is it bad to eat the same food over and over?

What lowers immunity?

What causes people to get gut infections?

Should you do a low carb diet?

Non-insulin ways to regulate blood sugar

What is Interleukin-6 (IL-6)?

What brings up your blood sugar?

6 ways that glucose dysregulation begins

In the world of glucose..

How does bacteria continue to survive?

How many people have parasites?

Why don't more people get stool samples?

Why does coffee make you go to the bathroom more?

How does the body break down protein?

Stress will WRECK your gut

Did you know this about bacteria?

How often should you get your blood work done?

Glucose: What you need to know about it

GGT: Trending high vs. trending low