Все публикации

Inclusion and Exclusion in Life…Mark 9: 38-43.45.47-48 #Jesus #christianity #catholic #gospel

Availability or Ability? 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 #christianity #catholic #Jesus #StPaul

Will You Stay Or Will You Walk Away?John 6:60-69 #christianity #gospel #catholic #Jesus #12disciples

Turn Your Life Upside Down For Jesus… Matthew 19:16-22 #christianity #catholic #Jesus #gospel

Did early Christians celebrate the Eucharist? John 6:51-58 #christianity #catholic #Jesus #Eucharist

House Built On A Rock Matthew 7:24-27 #gospel #christianity #catholic #Jesus

Jesus came down for all of us

Mark 4:35-41

Becoming a receiving end and a sending end of God’s message #christianity #gospel #catholic #Jesus

How much we repay to God what belongs to God? #gospel #christianity #catholic #jesus

Who or what is your in between? #gospel #jesus #christianity #catholic

When in doubt… #gospel #jesus #christianity #catholic

In the midst of grief, stay and stick with Jesus

When you’re experiencing spiritual dryness… #gospel #jesus #ascension #catholic #christianity

Is Jesus Enough?

Some Things Are Better Empty #jesus #resurrectionofjesus #gospel #emptytomb #christianity

Are You A Disciple Of Jesus In Your Homes? #gospel #christian #catholic

Does Your Value Depend In God Alone? #gospel #catholic #Christmas #Jesus #christian

Be Patient In The Lord. #gospel #catholic #Christmas #jesus

Do You Give Jesus Your Best Or Your All? #catholic #gospel #biblestudy #christianity

Another evidence that Jesus Christ is fully God, fully man? #apologetics #catholic #gospel

Are You A Pharisee Or An Apostle? #catholic #gospel #apologetics #biblestudy

Jesus Is The Cornerstone Of Our Faith #gospel #apologetics #catholic

Do You See Jesus Alone? #catholic #gospel #apologetics #gospel