Все публикации

Empathy-led Product Security with Christian Frichot

Growing pains: How security changes as your startup develops

Guardrails: who, what, why, when

Hacking Mobile Games with Alex Rosenzweig

Yellow Team + Blue Team = Green Team

Top 10 CI/CD Security Risks

Demystifying the SBOM’s impact on Secure Software Deployment

Project “Make ISO Happen 2022” - The Octopus Deploy Adventure Towards 27001 Certification

Learning from AWS (Customer) Security Breaches with Rami McCarthy

Privilege Escalation in the Cloud with Carlos Polop

Diving Deeper into Subdomain Takeovers & Mitigations with Shubham Shah

Finding bugs with Nuclei with PinkDraconian (Robbe Van Roey)

Github Actions Security Best Practices with Reethi Kotti

Don't Get Got! How to Avoid a Privacy Disaster with Samantha Floreani

Software Security Education with the OWASP Secure Coding Dojo

Building Modern Access-Control for Cloud Applications

Account Security beyond 2FA with Neil Matatall

Let’s Write Security Unit Tests! with Eric Johnson

Attacking JSON Web Tokens with Louis Nyffenegger

Secure Your Code With GitHub Code Scanning

OAuth 2.0 Hacking for Beginners with Farah Hawa

Fixing OSS Security Vulnerabilities at Scale!

Threats Against Application Identities in the Microsoft Cloud

Security in Kubernetes - How to do it right!