Все публикации

Electric Field along the line of a charged rod-AP Physics C

Velocity-time graph problem - AP Physics C

Derivative as slope and integral as area - AP Physics C

What is integral in Physics? _ AP physics C

The physics behind the spinning amusement park ride

Projectile motion made easy

Magnetic Field using right hand rule

Lenz’s Law made simple

Application on Lenz’s Law

Rotational Motion made easy

Problem of two masses pulled by a string made easy

Atwood Machine physics problem made easy

Motional emf made easy

Inductor in DC circuit made easy

Magnetic force problem-EmSAT Physics

Spring-mass system- EmSAT Physics

Field as a gradient of potential - lesson 5

Finding relative speed in special theory of relativity

Equipotential lines -lesson 4

Electric potential energy -lesson 2

Electric potential or voltage -lesson 1

Work done on a test charge or group of charges-lesson 3

Physics EmSAT-Double slit experiment

Emsat physics-Emission spectrum of a hydrogen atom