Все публикации

Hot Feet Shot Put

Hot Feet Scoop Toss

Band Resisted Bound

Band Resisted March, Bound, Sprint

Band Resisted/Assisted Crossover to Stabilization

Band Resisted Push to Base

Band Resisted Crossover Continuous

Counter movement Hurdle Jump

1/2 Kneeling Sprint Start

Band Resisted Crossover Quick to Stabilize

Hurdle Hop to Lateral Bound

Lean, Fall, Run

Tall Kneeling Banded Hip Hinge

Flying 10s

Single Leg Glute Bridge w Foot Elevated

1 Arm Press w/ 1-Leg ISO Hip Thrust

Straight Leg Lower w/ KB Bottoms Up

KB 2 Hand Clean to Lateral Lunge

Bird Dog Drag Thru

Kettlebell swing

KB Goblet Reverse Lunge

KB Goblet Squat

BB Split Squat

Hang clean