Все публикации

Q:34 A rectangular piece of paper measuring 6 cm x 12 cm is folded along the diagonal. Those part...

Q:32 A rectangular sheet of paper with sides 1 and root2 has been folded once as shown, so that.....

Q:31 In the given fig. AB=BC=CD=DE=EF=FG=GA. Find angle DAE.

Q:28 In given fig,OP and OQ are bisector of∠AOCand ∠DOB respectively If∠AOD =18 and∠BOC=24.find∠POQ.

Q:26 As shown fig. Find ∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F+∠G = ?

Q:27 In the give fig. , if PQ || RS, then find the value of x.

Q:25 As shown fig. all lines are straight . Find ∠A+ ∠B+ ∠C+ ∠D+ ∠E+ ∠F+ ∠G+ ∠H+ ∠I+ ∠J = ?

Q:24 Find Length XY, If BX and CY are perpendicular on AD

Q:23 F, G and H are squares of given dimensions , find Area of shaded region.

Q: 22 C, D and E are squares of given dimensions , find Area of shaded region.

Q:21 A and B are squares of given dimensions , find area of the shaded region.

Q:20 In the figAB=6.EOF is a right angled triangle with OE=8,OF=6Find the area of the shaded region.

Q:19 The smallest square has side of length 1 , What is area of the rectangle ?

Q:18 What is the area of the parallelogram which forms their intersection ?

Q:17 In the fig.,if the area of the letter L part equals the area of the triangle,what is length x?

Q:16 In the figure, If AB=50^(1/2). and BE=1 What is the the area of the inner square EFGH ?

Q:15 SquaresABCD,EFGH are congruent,AB= 10,and G is the center of squareABCD.Find the area of EFBAH.

Q:13 In a square ABCD ,what is the area of triangle BEF ,if ar(AFB)=4 ,ar(FDE) =5 , and ar(ECB)=3 .

Q;12 In a rectangle ABCD ,what is the area of triangleBEF ,if ar(AFB)=y ,ar(FDE) =z,and ar(ECB)=x .

Q:14 The shaded rectangle has an area of 9 sq. units . Find the area of rectangle ABCD.

Q:11 Area of square ABCD is 625 and area of rhombus CEFD is 500 . Find the shaded area.

Q:10 In the adjoining fig, AB=AC , DEF is an equilateral triangle. Then which relation is true?

Q:9 Find the area in square centimeter of the shaded rectangle.

Q:8 Find the value of x, from the given figure.(not drawn to scale)