Все публикации

My Cessna A152 SparrowHawk Aerobat landing at KLGB RWY 30 4K 09SEP2023

MW: Escort - 10 kills with USS Fletcher Gameplay Ultra Graphics 20FEB2024

Showcase of my PlaneTags collection and studying on the EASA ATPL exam questions

Modern Warships - USS Montana with ASN4G and Mark-45 ASTOR Gameplay Ultra Graphics 23DEC2024

Modern Warships - Admiral Isakov with DF-12 and Mark-45 ASTOR Gameplay Ultra Graphics 04DEC2024

MW: Escort - 14 kills with Huaqing Gameplay Ultra Graphics 13OCT2024

MW: Escort - 18 Nukes with Admiral Isakov and Type 055A Gameplay Ultra Graphics 11OCT2024

Modern Warships - Admiral Isakov with DF-12 and Mark-45 ASTOR Gameplay Ultra Graphics 01OCT2024

Inside the Messerschmitt Me 262B-1c W.Nr.501241 19AUG2023

MW: Tandem Wars - TF-2000 with DF-12 and Mark-45 ASTOR Gameplay Ultra Graphics 15SEP2024

War Thunder - Heavy Metal Fury with Object 279 Gameplay Max Graphics 18SEP2024

Togo - My first nonhuman friend :) 20230914 120106

War Thunder - Heavy Metal Fury with Object 279 Gameplay Max Graphics 22SEP2024

War Thunder - Survivor with Object 279 Gameplay Max Graphics 18SEP2024

MW: Tandem Wars - Project 1164E and Type 055A Gameplay Ultra Graphics 18SEP2024

War Thunder - Heavy Metal Hero with Object 279 Gameplay Max Graphics 13SEP2024

War Thunder - 10 Kills, Survivor with Object 279 Gameplay Max Graphics 09SEP2024

War Thunder - 10 Kills, Survivor with Object 279 Gameplay Max Graphics 08SEP2024

War Thunder - Heavy Metal Hero and On Hand with Object 279 Gameplay Max Graphics 08SEP2024

War Thunder - 8 Kills, Survivor with Heavy Tank T30 Gameplay Max Graphics 01SEP2024

War Thunder - Heavy Metal Fury with Object 122TM Gameplay Max Graphics 01SEP2024

War Thunder - First Double Strike with F-14A IRIAF Gameplay Max Graphics 30AUG2024

War Thunder: Best Game Ever - Heavy Metal Hero with Object 279 Gameplay Max Graphics 31AUG2024

Stall Recovery on Airbus A380 FFS 20MAY2024