Все публикации

Did Mike Madman Marcum invent a time machine by accident?

From Dreams to Reality: The Power of Lucid Dreaming and the Matrix

The Dance of Opposites: Exploring Polarity in a Simulated Universe

Beyond Science Fiction: The Chronovisor’s Hypothetical Blueprint

The Absolute State of The UAP cover up

Decoding the Dark: Saturn’s Black Cube and its Hidden Meanings

The Mysterious Disappearance of Jacobo Grinberg: The Scientist Who Studied the Mind and Magic

Doppelgangers and Simulation Theory: Exploring the Paradox of Human Similarity and Difference

What If You Could Reincarnate Into the Past? Exploring the Paradoxes and Implications

Is the ‘Jellyfish’ UAP Footage Real or Fake? My Analysis and Opinion

Can We Change The Simulation? Inside the Matrix

Time Slips and Portals: The Strange Phenomenon The Transports you to a different time

The Secret Power of the Human Mind: Can We Really Manipulate Reality?

The Truth Behind Mel’s Hole and Other Bottomless Holes: What Lies Beneath?

The Afterlife: Myths, Religion, Science and Paranormal Phenomena

The True Origins of Halloween and Why It Matters Today

The Secrets of Magick Revealed by Plato, Jung, and Penrose: A Journey into the Abstract Realm

K2-18b: The Exoplanet That Could Have Life | What We Know So Far

The Shroud of Turin: A Controversial Relic Examined by Science

What Went Wrong with LK-99, the Material That Claimed to Be a Superconductor

The Truth About Tartaria: Was There a Hidden Advanced Society That Ruled the World?

How Project Blue Beam Connects to the UFO Disclosure Movement

Bigfoot: Fact or Fiction? The Truth Behind the Legend

Planet 9 and the Anunnaki: The Hidden Connection Between the Ancient Gods and the Mysterious Planet.