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Native Plant Garden Tour Jan 2024 - Evergreen Groundcover, Wildlife Habitat & Winter Interest

I'm Michele and I Grow Native Plants!🌿👩🏻‍🌾

Happy New Year! #gardenshorts #garden2024 #wildlifegarden #wintergardening

How To Manage Your Fall Leaves In Your Native Plant Landscape!

Redesigning My Native Pollinator Garden Beds!

Rock Border Edges *UPDATE* / The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

#nativeplants #wildlifegarden #gardenshorts #swamprosemallow #Hibiscusmoschuetos

Summer Native Plant Garden Tour🌻/ Front Yard Foundation Beds👩🏻‍🌾/ August 2023😎☀️

Explore 3 NATIVE Plants Blooming in My Garden that are Bringing all the Pollinators! August 2023

Do you want an native alternative to butterfly bush? Try this!

Unforgettable day: Discovering Cumberland Marsh's native plants with my loved ones

Tour A Native Plant Nursery With Me! *Hill House Farm and Nursery*

Native Plant Garden Tour / What's Blooming in My Garden Beds? / End of May 2023

What is the Chelsea Chop and How Can it Help with Your Gardening?

I Planted Something Exciting in the Woodland Garden! + An Open Garden Recap

What Native and Non-Native Plants are Blooming in My Mid-May Garden? Come Take a Look With Me!

How I Make Garden Beds BIGGER and Remove Lawn (w/ a clean edge)!

My TOP 3 Favorite Gardening Shows on TV!

Native Plant Garden Tour / Front Yard Landscape / April 2023

Do You Need a Native Plant for Dry, Shady and Rocky Conditions?

What Native Plants are Blooming in My Mid-April Garden? Come Take a Look With Me!

Tour A Native Plant Nursery With Me! *Watermark Woods*

Native Plant Garden Tour / Woodland Garden / March 2023

Native Plant Garden Tour / Corner and Fireplace Pollinator Gardens / March 2023