Все публикации

Kinematics: Lighthouse and Boat Problem - How Far Away Must the Boat Be when the Object is Thrown?

Kinematics: Goalpost Problem - What is the Minimum Angle? What is the Required Velocity if θ=45°?

Physics and Kinematics: A Rock Thrown Off Building at 33 Degrees - How Far Does the Rock Go?

Physics & Calculus: The Acceleration of a Particle is Described as -2+3t - Find Velocity at t=4

Physics with Kinematics: The Flea Problem - A Flea Jumps 0.440 m. What is its Initial Velocity?

Physics and Kinematics - An Object Thrown Upwards from 30 Meters. What is the final velocity?

Physics & Kinematics: Textbook Sliding off Table Problem - Impact Velocity with x and y Components!

What is a Unit Vector? Is (i+j+k) a Unit Vector?

Physics & Kinematics: The Carnival Game Problem - How Tall is the Shelf?

The Hot Air Balloon Problem -- Exam Question! -- Physics and Kinematics

Physics: The Running Diver Problem - How Fast Must the Diver Run to Clear the 1.75 m Ledge?