Все публикации

Optimization Example: Building a Pen With Fencing

Optimization Example - Maximizing the Product of Numbers Given their Sum is 9.

Optimization Example: Maximizing Volume of a Box with A Fixed Surface Area

Derivative of arcsin(x)

Finding Tangent Line with Derivative Rules

Working out Examples with Limits

Proof that Sqrtx is uniformly continuous

Determinant Examples with Cofactor Expansion

Cool Sophisticated Way to Define Determinants - Exterior Products

Linear Transformations Wrapup

A proof that square root of 2 exists (halfway at least)

Examples of Matrices coming from Linear Transformations

A proof that log(2x) = log(2) + log(x)

Matrix Operations 2

Matrix Operations 1

Video for HW 5 - Projection onto a Line

Intro to Linear Tranformations

Parametric Vector Form

Faster Way to Multiply Matrices

Properties of Matrix Multiplication

Absolute Value and Triangle Inequality

A full proof that sqrt2 is irrational

8.1.1 What is a sequence

Work Pumping Liquid #2