Все публикации

Thank your bullies.

If you want to know who you really are…

One of the toughest things about being a father. #nickfreitas #parenthood #fatherhood

We all need a friend like that. #simonsinek

Alex Hormozi: the first step to becoming successful

The very definition of a perfect relationship. #relationshipgoals

Jordan Peterson: real friends

Jordan Peterson: how to increase your IQ

Jordan Peterson: you need to be capable of cruelty

Jordan Peterson: married people have better sex life.

Jordan Peterson: Don’t be that kind of person.

Mel Robbins explains what confidence means to her.

Rita Ora: you have to show up.

“They want to supress you and make you smaller so they can feel better about themselves.”

Mel Robbins explains why it’s so difficult to get motivated

Jordan Peterson on how to get braver

Jordan Peterson tells parents what to teach their kids to avoid being bullied

Jordan Peterson: why it’s so hard to stop drinking

Russel Brand: who you are is alright

Elon Musk on having kids

Elon Musk on freedom of speech. #freedomofspeech #elonmuskmotivation

If your child is antisocial, you don’t have a lot of time to rectify it. Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson: the idea of cultural appropriation is nonsense

Jordan Peterson: everyone feels like an imposter