Все публикации

Gustavo Gutiérrez: the Father of Liberation Theology Remembered

Rachel Adams: AI in Relationship to Humanity

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Paul? w/ John Dominic Crossan

Meet Rev. Mark Feldmeier from St. Andrew UMC #TheologyBeerCamp

EPISODE 02 - Bonhoeffer in America: The Call Beyond Nationalism

Welcome to 'The Rise of Bonhoeffer'

The Rise of Bonhoeffer Audio Documentary!

EPISODE 01: Searching for Bonhoeffer - Rise of Bonehoeffer Podcast

Brent Waters: Return to Humanity & Ethical AI

Will the real Bonhoeffer please stand up?!

Sir Christopher Pissarides: AI & Change in the Labour Market

Unlocking the Future: Teilhard dr Chardin meets Artificial Intelligence

Diana Butler Bass: Truth & Kindness in the Public Square

Thinking with Hartmut Rosa

Robert Wright: Evolution, Empathy, & the Future of Humanity

Gary Dorrien: Theological Ethics & Liberal Protestantism

Aaron Stauffer: Theology for Action

Who is the God of the Bible? with Dr. Rolf Jacobson

The God of the Bible - Dr. Rolf Jacobson & Dr. Tripp Fuller

Debriefing Thomas Jay Oord's Heresy Trial

What it's like to close a Church w/ Ryan Burge

John Caputo: Angels, Ghosts, & AI - Audio Only

Anne Foerst: Embodied AI & the Challenge of Personhood - Audio Only

Michael Morelli: Jacques Ellul & the Technological Society - Audio Only