Все публикации

Support Vector Machine Algorithm - Machine learning techniques

Logistic regression - Machine Learning Techniques

Perceptron Learning Algorithm For Linearly Separable Data: Binary Classification Algorithm

Introduction to AVL Trees, Rotations

Heap, Insert and Delete operations, Heapify, and Priority Queues

Disjoint Set - Union and Find Data structure

Minimum Cost Spanning Trees - Prim's and Kruskal's Algorithm

MLT QUIZ 2 PYQ April 2024

MLT Quiz 2 PYQ Sep 2023 Term

Floyd Warshall Algorithm: Finding All Shortest Paths | DSA - Dynamic Programming

Naive Bayes Classifier in Machine Learning | Generative vs Discriminative Modelling | Classification

Decision Tree Algorithm in Machine Learning | Entropy Function | Information Gain | IITM BS DEGREE

Introduction to Binary Classification,Linear Classification and K- nearest neighbour algorithm(KNN)

Bellman-Ford Algorithm to find the shortest paths in a graph | Bellman-Ford algorithm vs Dijkstra

Dijkstra's Algorithm for Weighted Graphs | Single Source Shortest Path, and Greedy Method

Regularization in Machine Learning, Lasso and Ridge regression and Sub gradients

Linear Regression and all optimisation techniques (LSE, SGD, Kernel regression, Probabilistic view )

Introduction To Graphs | Types of Graphs | Representation of Graphs - Adjacency List & Matrix

Hashing and Hash Tables | Hashing in Data Structure | Basics of Hash Tables

How to Implement a Python Stack | Stack Data Structure and Implementation in Python | DSA Stacks

Queue in Python | DSA Queues | How to implement a queue in Python | List & LinkedList Implementation

Linked Lists in Python: Explained with Examples | Data Structures & Algorithms Tutorials in Python

Gaussian Mixture Model | Bayesian Estimation | Maximum Likelihood Estimation | EM Algorithm

QuickSort Algorithm Explained | How QuickSort Works | DSA in Python