Все публикации

Whoever Scripted This Easter Egg Deserves A Raise

What Happens If You Come to Wolfgang in Power Armor

Yes... this reaction is actually in the game

It took me 13 years to realize i could do this

It took me 9 years to figure it out

Skyrim: 7 Things You Didn't Know You COULD DO

Can't believe I didn't know about this feature after 5000 hours

If you come to the Guard as an orc, a new line of dialogue will open...

If you betray Ulfric or Tullius, they will comment on it...

Yes... Farengar reacts to your magical skills

I bet the developer team didn't think this through...

Serana react to Dovahkiin's race ( Serana Dialogue Add-On )

If You Come To J'zargo With 75 Destruction, he will comment on it...

What Happens if you Save Lokir From Rorikstead

Character Reactions to Tyranny of the Sun

Citizens react to Mage robe

If the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller is returned back to Ustengrav, something will happen...

If you bring a daughter to her father, he will say a very rare line of dialogue

I bet you didn't know you could do that

If you lead Serana to the Black Sacrament, something strange will happen...

Yes... This is actually in the game

If you walk with the Ring of Namira, something will happen...

If the Bandit Solves the Puzzle, something funny will happen...

if you walk with the Aetherial Artifact, something will happen...