Все публикации

Spiritual Attacks on the Mind- Apostle Michelle (The Strategy Room)

The Power of a Day - Prophetess Floydise

The Power of a Day - Prophetess Tiffany

Deprogramming - Prophetic Stylez (Dating after the Military - Singles Series)

Overcoming Numbness - Prophetic Stylez (Dating after the Military- Singles Series)

The Power of a Day

The Armor of God: The Strategy Room

Spiritual Attacks on the Mind: The Strategy Room

How to Pray: The Strategy Room

Impartations in Dreams: The Strategy Room (Dreams Series)

Keep Family out of your Marriage: Preparing for Marriage - Prophetic Stylez

Give Everything: Preparing for Marriage - Prophetic Stylez

Honor causes your prayer to be answered: Preparing for Marriage - Evangelist Shanvonda

Partnership: Preparing for Marriage - Evangelist Shanvonda

Know what you want: Preparing for Marriage - Prophetess Floydise

Check Your Love: Preparing for Marriage - Prophetess Floydise

Honoring God: Preparing for Marriage - Apostle Michelle

Preparing for Marriage: Endurance - Apostle Michelle

Preparing for Marriage: Singles Series (The Strategy Room)

Dishonor brings e Curse of Destruction: Apostle Michelle

Simple Prayer of Repentance: Removing the Curse of Destruction

Exposing the truth can feel like a Burden: Prophetess Floydise 'Expose it'

Trauma causes Fear: Expose it - Elder Caldwell 'The Strategy Room'

Knowing you have forgave them - Elder Caldwell The Strategy Room