Все публикации


Gangtok Song

Data Structure Hip Hop

Computer Sc and Engineering Rap

Hindi Rap on CSE department

[PY 22] Git in Anaconda, Jupyter, Spyder and Python

[PYH 22] GIT in Anaconda and Python [Hindi]

[PY 21] Abstract class, & abstract method, Interface, Public, protected & private variables, repr()

[PYH 21] Abstract method and class, Interface, Public, private, and protected members [Hindi]

[PY 20] Polymorphism (overloading, overriding) in Python

[PYH 20] Polymorphism, Overloading, and Overriding in Python (Hindi)

[PY 19] Object & Class (Composition, Inheritance, Aggregation) in Python

[PYH 19] Class and Object (Part 2) Composition, Inheritance, Aggregation (Hindi)

[PY 18]Class and object (Part 1), constructor, Types of Variables, Types of Methods, destructor

[PYH 18] Class and object (Part 1), constructor, Types of Variables, Types of Methods [Hindi]

[PY 3] In built functions and math module in Python

[PYH 3] In Built functions, math module in Python (Hindi)

[PY 10] numpy Numerical Python

[PYH 10] Numpy (Hindi)

[PY 0] Installation Anaconda, Jupyter, Spyder

[PY 17] Regular Expression match(), fullmatch(), search(), findall(), finditer(), sub() in Python

[PYH 17] Regular expresssion, match(), fullmatch(), search(), findall(), finditer(), sub() (Hindi)

[PYH 16] Oracle database connectivity with Python (creating, insert tables) HINDI

[PY 16] Oracle database connectivity with Python (creating a table, insert a data into a table)