Все публикации


Other ways to say 'I'm surprised' [vocabulary]

To Work Wonders [Expression/meaning/example]

Prepositions of time [correct use]

gravitas [meaning/examples]

cavalier [meaning/examples]

Hope vs. wish [difference in meaning/examples]

that stinks = that’s stonking [native British example]

Business names - Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Adobe [pronunciation]

desert [pronunciation/meaning/example]

Different ways to say ‘I’m leaving’ in English! [meaning/examples]

married to [correct use]

to show up [phrasal verb/meaning/example]

Different stress in the verb and the noun [pronunciation]

photographer [pronunciation]

Top shoe manufacturers [pronunciation]

to take it upon oneself to [phrasal verb/meaning/example]

Quit / Quiet / Quite [pronunciation/meaning]

there / they're / their [pronunciation/meaning/example]

anxious [pronunciation]

couch potato, drama queen, social butterfly [idioms/meaning/examples]

to be out of the loop [idiom/meaning/example]

to pig out [phrasal verb/meaning/example]

to have an appetite for [expression/examples]