Все публикации

Never free memory yourself! Do this instead (in modern C++)

INHERITANCE in C++ | most of the things you need to know for OOP and beyond 🚀

Separate declaration and definition for C++ templates? Yes please (sometimes)

Why use forwarding references and how they are different from rvalue references in C++

How to use CLASS TEMPLATES, type traits, partial and full class template specialization

How to use FUNCTION TEMPLATES - a comprehensive guide for modern C++

Templates under the hood

Why use templates in modern C++

Use static in classes (when needed) in modern C++

Const correctness in C++

Project: Pixelate Images in Terminal 😎

Headers and libraries, but with classes

Safely copying, moving, and destroying objects in Modern C++ with the rule of 'all or nothing'

Re-inventing move semantics in modern C++ in 13 minutes

C++ object lifecycle 101: the essentials

Mastering C++ pointers: the pros and cons of (raw) pointers | pointer usage with const

C++ classes: the basics

Can you write a proper CMake library? | homework 📚

1000 subscribers AMA answers

Do you even test? (your code with CMake)

1000 subscribers AMA

Enumerating options in C++ using enums

CMake - the essential package

🏗️ Build your libraries easier using build systems