Все публикации

Breath Light & Heat Meditation

Happiness Plateau /Social connection

Is PC a problem in USA

No being without suffering

(Louder)Deep Om Mantra

Falling down and moving up

Control the breathing

The Adaptation Principle

Individual Sacrifice: You don’t sacrifice other people to your utopian vision

Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient

50 years of space research

Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world

Find the log in your own eye

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs

Choice/ what’s your highest value

Responsibility gives life meaning

Dunbar’s number/ Tower of Babel/ Too big to fail

God is life in action

Attached to outcomes/Stop the minds incessant thinking

Day 5

Working together large elephant small rider

Rider on the back of an elephant

Day 4

Day 3