Все публикации

What are nucleotides - My notes

Heart anatomy stickers #anatomynotes

Central dogma of molecular biology

Heart anatomy with stickers - My notes

Sleep apnea: definition, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What are lysosomes?

Why are enzymes so important?

What happens when you rub your eyes?

Notes inspiration with moody neurons sticker sheet #biologynotes

Biology notes heading inspiration: DNA #biologynotes

Why are wisdom teeth so annoying?

MY NOTES: What are nucleotides? #biologynotes

DNA and its nucleobases #biologynotes

A fun way to write notes - happy neurons included! #stationery

Washi tape dispenser to the rescue! #biologynotes

Why do tattoos last FOREVER?

What is an epidural?

What are steroids?

Can blood types be dangerous?

Terpenes: definition, functions and biosynthesis

Should I QUIT YOUTUBE as a medical science educator?

Telomeres explained in less than 5 minutes!

I asked ChatGPT to draw the anatomy of the heart #anatomy

Cell theory: definition and principles