Все публикации

How to learn more from a great guitar solo

Fret Science Channel Trailer

How to instantly turn 5 chords into 500 and never need a chord chart again

A new, faster way to unlock the fretboard for improvisation

Memorize the fretboard: 3 reasons why, 3 mental models, and 4 effective exercises

Easy Double-Stop Harmonies: From The Beatles to Nuno Bettencourt

Intervals: guitar's secret decoder ring

Unlock the fretboard with three notes per string: learn the 3nps system with 85% less memorization

Demystifying the modes on guitar: it doesn't get any simpler than this

This hack makes learning the modes on guitar RIDICULOUSLY easy

Demystifying Triads and CAGED: Unlock the fretboard and improvise freely

Two Simple Shapes UNLOCK the Pentatonic Scale EVERYWHERE - and make it MORE musical!

Learn ALL the Modes on Guitar in Just ONE Day with This EASY Method

HOW TO VISUALIZE CHORDS & SCALES: A simple, step-by-step method