Все публикации

Making a false mark upon any receptacle containing goods section 350

selling goods marked with a counterfeit property mark secton 349BNS

Making possession of any instrument for counterfeiting a property section 348 of BNS

counterfeiting a property mark sub clause 1 and 2 section 347 BNS

Tempering with property mark with intend to cause injury

property mark section 345BNS 2023

section 344 BNS Falsification of account

Fraudulently cancellation of document or damage or will

February 2, 2024

section342BNS counterfeit device or marks for authenticating documents

BNS section 341 Making counterfeit seal or possession

Forged document or electronic record and using it as genuine section 340(1)and 340(2)in BNS

section 111 BNS2023 organised crime including kidnapping, robbery, vehicle theft, extortion,land

Terrorist Act section 113 BNS 2023

BNS2023 113 section

January 5, 2024

section 339 Having possession of document knowing to be forged and intending to use it as genuine

Forgery of valuable security.will etc section 338in BNS 2023 in IPC 467

Forgery of record of court or of public register,etc section 337 of BNS in IPC 466

Forgery section336(1to4)

Making a false document section 335in BNS2023

452 IPC will be 333 in BNS House trespass after preparation for hurt or wrongful restrain

House trespass in order to commit offence332 (a)(b)(c)in BNS

House trespass or House Breaking section 331(1 to 8)