Все публикации

Riva Tritone Restoration - Wooden boat restoration - Sea Sonic Boats

Tape Measure Prototype - From Wallboarder's Buddy Tool Company

Another tree falling!

Little Apple Homes - Building Green For Less - Other House Builds

Little Apple Homes - Building Green For Less - Other House Builds

Shoveling and Snow Blowing Snow

Shoveling snow in a hurry

Fintry Queen - Kelowna British Columbia

Sea Sonic Boats - Centaur Construction Slide Show

Sea Sonic Boats - Centaur Exterior Slide Show

Sea Sonic Boats - Centaur Interior Slide Show

DayZ Standalone - better video quality

Shepherd Reconstruction - Wooden boat reconstruction - Sea Sonic Boats

Wallboarder's Buddy - Drywall Cutting Tool

Road from West Kelowna to Chilliwack

Trinity having fun with the sprinkler...

My cat the great bird hunter!

Samsung HMX-S10 - Time lapse video of clouds

Fintry Queen - Boat ride from Westbank to the Fintry Queen in Kelowna

Phoenix 2000 - My first flight & bad landing

Hobby King's Bixler - Flying & Landing

Bixler Video - My first fixed-wing flight & landing! (with camera on board)

Riva Aquarama Restoration - Wooden boat restoration - Sea Sonic Boats

Riva Super Florida Restoration - Wooden boat restoration - Sea Sonic Boats