Все публикации

Bodywhys Conversation with Carers: The holiday season and eating disorders

Bodywhys Conversations with Carers: Autism and eating disorders

Bodywhys Conversations with Carers - Supporting those who are LGBTQ+

Bodywhys Conversations with Carers - School and College/University

New: Bodywhys Conversations with Carers Group (Free)

Bodywhys Webinar. Fathers' experiences - Eating Disorder Treatment and Recovery

World Eating Disorders Action Day 2024

Against the Odds: Women’s Journeys from Negative to Positive Body Image with Moon Waldén.

Bridging the Gap Between Clinical and Personal Recovery. #EDAW2024

Eating Disorders: Experiences of Recovery - Stories from the Bodywhys Media Panel #EDAW2024

Learning from the diversity of families experiences - Bodywhys webinar

Body image: A male perspective - Bodywhys webinar

Niamh’s Story: A Sibling’s Perspective – Bodywhys animation

Let's talk about problematic eating behaviour in sport. Athletics Ireland & Bodywhys webinar

Responding to Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S), Athletics Ireland & Bodywhys webinar

In Pride: Opening a Conversation - Bodywhys webinar

Hidden Challenges in Eating Disorders: Bodywhys webinar

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID): Bodywhys Webinar

The Eating Disorder Voice: Bodywhys

Eating disorders: Kate's Dad - A father's perspective

Autism and Eating Disorders Across the Lifespan - Bodywhys webinar

Bodywhys - Online group support - Demo video

Eating Disorders: Treatment options in Ireland - Harriet Parsons, Bodywhys

Eating Disorders: Dealing with difficult/explosive behaviour - Harriet Parsons, Bodywhys