Все публикации

French Twist Tutorial

Onstage Walking Styles You MUST Know | How To Walk In Evening Gown, Opening Number, And Swimsuit

How To Run In Heels

Buttercup Challenge - Take On Me

How to Wear Heels for Beginners

How to Wear Heels Longer And Other High Heel Strategies

How To Put Your Hair Up With Any Stick

Low Calorie Tortilla Pizza Flatbread

How To Choose The Best Platform Or Social Impact Initiative For You

How to Create Your Own Platform Or Social Impact Initiative

10 Unspoken Rules of Pageant Etiquette for Beginners

What To Pack For Your Pageant

How To Ask The Outgoing Winner For Help

How To Answer Political Questions And Prepare For Them

How To Have Pretty Feet | The Ankle Angle That Lengthens Your Legs

Walking Turn Tutorial

10 Essential Pageant Questions And Sample Answers

10 Essential Pageant Questions You Must Be Able To Answer And Why

Pageant Walking Fundamentals

Pageant Posing | Poses You Need To Know To Win

Pageant Transitions | Perfect Your Onstage Movement

How To Find Your Evening Gown | Strategies for Choosing 'The One'

What NOT To Wear In Evening Gown | 3 Weird Rules

How To Do Pageant Makeup For Beginners | Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial