Все публикации

Norman Daniels - Justice, Health, and Healthcare, pt 5: Criteria for Ethical Healthcare Distribution

Norman Daniels - Justice, Health, and Healthcare, pt 4: Determining when Disparities are Unjust

Norman Daniels - Justice, Health, and Healthcare, pt 3: Extending Rawls to Healthcare

Norman Daniels - Justice, Health, and Healthcare, pt 2: Rawls on Justice

Norman Daniels - Justice, Health, and Healthcare, pt 1: Healthcare is Morally Important

The Ethics of Belief - Non-Evidentialism

Justification for Beliefs - Evidentialism

WK Clifford - Ethics of Belief, pt 3 - Clifford's Dictum

WK Clifford - Ethics of Belief, pt 2 - Are some beliefs immoral?

WK Clifford - Ethics of Belief, pt 1 - A Ship Unworthy at Sea

Mackie, Evil and Omnipotence - The Free Will Defense

Mackie, Evil and Omnipotence - Some Evil is Better than None

Mackie, Evil and Omnipotence - Evil is a Necessary Means for Good?

Mackie, Evil and Omnipotence - Good Cannot Exist with Evil?

Mackie, Evil and Omnipotence - Problem of Evil solution, Rejecting Evil

Epistemology and Ontology

Mackie, Evil and Omnipotence - Problem of Evil solution, Reject Omnipotence

Mackie, Evil and Omnipotence - Clarifying the Problem of Evil

The Turing Test - Artificial Intelligence and Challenges

The Turing Test - The Imitation Game

The Turing Test - What is the Special Ingredient?

The Turing Test and The Problem of Other Minds

Plato - Phaedo - The Soul is not just a Harmony of Parts, but Immortal

Aquinas's Dual Method for Theology