Все публикации

Aetheria: 16-Piece Operatic Ensemble Walkthrough

Lacrimosa Pro & Ultra Walkthrough

8DIO Aetheria Choir Preview - Coming Soon

8Dio Opera Maria Walkthrough

Soundpaint - Hybrid Tools Paragon (No Talk)

Soundpaint - Adastra Solo Strings (No Talk)

Taking Soundpaint Adastra Solo Quartet Programs for a quick real-time improv.

8Dio Majestica Pro & Ultra Walkthrough

Majestica Pro and Ultra Teaser Trailer

Adastra Ensemble Strings. Extended scoring tutorial w/ Troels Folmann

Adastra Ensemble Strings - JRPG Score by GLASYS

8Dio 3 Duduks Walkthrough

8Dio Hybrid Voices Designs Walkthrough

Coming Tomorrow ... English Horn Powered by H.A.L in Soundpaint ... $20

8Dio Beta Downloader Walkthrough

What Is True Polyphonic Legato?

Extreme Ensembles 10 Drum Machines - Spot Microphones Walkthrough

Extreme Ensembles 10 Drum Machines - Hall Microphones Walkthrough

8Dio Studio Soprano Saxophone - Official Walkthrough

For All Conneseurs of Saxophones …

Extreme Ensembles 10 Drum Kits - Walkthrough

We Actually Recorded 66 Basses … At The Same Time!

What happens when you put 66 Tubas Players together?

Extreme Ensemble 10 Analog Synths - Spot Mics Walkthrough