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A few weeks ago, we asked you which questions you wanted to ask Troy, Kai & Jukkis.

Nightwish - Ismo Leikola reacts to 'Perfume of the Timeless'

Exactly how many formats will Yesterwynde come out in?

”An Ocean Of Strange Islands” takes us on an emotional journey. Which part resonates most with you?

Yesterwynde listening party!

Tuomas is dropping some hints about the album. Everything is not buried too deep! #nightwish

Tag someone who NEEDS to hear this song!! #yesterwynde #nightwish #newsong

Nightwish - Yesterwynde (Listening Session Aftermovie)

The Triology!

”An Ocean of Strange Islands” is now yours to explore!

Nightwish - An Ocean Of Strange Islands (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)

Nightwish - Yesterwynde (Making Of Documentary Part 16)

”An Ocean Of Strange Islands” takes you on the ultimate musical adventure!

When Floor tells you to pre-save the new album, that’s what you do 😎 https://nblast.de/nwystrwndsy

Ismo reacts!

'The Day Of..' Original vs Orchestral version.

SURPRISE! One more single!

Nightwish - Yesterwynde (Making Of Documentary Part 15)

Going back to Abbey Road in London to record parts of the new album was indeed magnificent!

Nightwish - Yesterwynde (Making Of Documentary Part 14)

Play to win!

Do you ever dream and fall through space and time? Rewatch the video to escape the real world.

How many times have you watched this video? already at +500k views. thank you all. #nightwish

Play to win! #nightwish #playtowin #shorts #yesterwynde