Все публикации

Musical Forms of the Opera #generalmusic #musicteaching #musicgenre #opera

Vocal Music of the Middle Ages

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT - Tips to Improve Your Musical Skills

The Elements of Music

The Life Ludwig Van Beethoven (Classical AND Romantic Composer)

What is a Theme and Variation? (Feat. Mozart's 12 Variations on 'A Vous Dirais-Je Maman)

Finding Your Voice Type and Range for Choir Placement

Solfege Scholar Lesson Two: Finding DO in every Key Signature

Solfege Scholars Lesson One - Learning to Sight-Read Through Common Melodic Patterns

SOLFEGE SURVIVOR: Singing All the Notes of the Major Scale

SOLFEGE SURVIVOR SUPPLEMENT 2: Melodic Movement and Common Solfege Patterns

SOLFEGE SURVIVOR: Melodic Movement and Reading Common Solfege Patterns

SOLFEGE SURVIVOR: LESSON ONE SUPPLEMENT - Sight Singing Exercises for Beginners

SOLFEGE SURVIVOR: An Introduction to Solfege

Cecilia Maria Barthelemon (Classical Period Female Composer)

This Little Light of Mine for Ukulele: Key of C

Playing 'Down by the Bay' with C Fadd9 and G7

Amazing Grace on the Ukulele

Learning to Play The Lion Sleeps Tonight on the Ukulele (C, F9 and G7)

Beginner Ukulele: Open String Accompaniment

How to Tune The Ukulele

Parts of the Ukulele

History of the Ukulele

Haydn Video Final