Все публикации

Teensy 3.2 graph , DS18B20 temperature sensor

Appareil d’assistance respiratoire Prototype 3

Couloir de stérilisation de masse 2

Couloir de stérilisation de masse 1

STMDUINO STM32F103(Blue pill) play video TFT LCD ILI9341

STMDUINO STM32F103(Blue pill) play video TFT LCD ILI9341

stm32duino on Mac errer 'serial_posix'

menulist with “icon” tft ili9341

Soldring machine automatique CNC

Soldring machine automatique CNC

Cnc drill home made

Cnc milling the first test

Stm32 play video on tft ili92341

STM32 tft Ili9341 3D graphic