Все публикации

lay of Leithian read by aragorn - part 1 Gorlim the unhappy

Wise words by high king of the elves not-gil-salad #lordoftherings #funny #ringsofpower

poor troll 🧌 was just chillin’ at home ❄️ 🥲 until… #funny #lordoftherings #ringsofpower

Mr little gobo goblin boy frozen in the wall #ringsofpower #funny

Not-Galadriel tells Not-Elrond he has not SeEn WhAt ShE hAs SeEn!!! #lotr #ringsofpower #funny #dub

Not-Finrod’s incredible metaphor #lordoftherings #funny #ringsofpower #silly

a place called beleriand

Rolling a low deception check on Celebrimbor #ringsofpower

Let's talk about the MASS Migration/invasion CRISIS! (& Welcome new sub!)

Can we finally talk about demographic shift (replacement) in western world??? (UK, USA, Australia)

paul thorpe, you need to understand the cause of 2 tier policing re mzlms, aisha, etc

dojo master of stoke SPEAKS! #SW9YO - amazing, he is a _!!!!!

Chat GPT3.5 & Pi AI have a conversation (constant interrupts!!)

farfour dance bad chroma key 1

i am become mouse 🐭

just another christian youtuber (perfect sound mixing and no stock footage

DW's goatboy square dance @apologeticsroadshow @ApostateProphet

muslim cowboy song (terrible mashup by me)

72 space virgins instrumental only

into the seventh heaven instrumental only

'into the seventh heaven' - a Farfour song (not for kids)

pdf 🗎 echoes hamas figures & lies about oct 7 mass'acre (with video of brave jew throwing back nades

daniel pickachooses his wife

Apostate Prophet becoming Christian??? (AP & DW)