Все публикации

#35: Spectral properties of compact linear operator

Elementary transformations and Gauss-Jordan Method

Equality of matrices

Types of Matrices

What is a matrix?

#34: Compactness of an adjoint operator

#33: What is the adjoint operator?

#31: Separability of range of compact linear operator

#30: Total boundedness implies boundedness

#28: What is total boundedness?

#27: Property of compact linear operators to convert weakly into strongly convergent sequences

#26: When does the limit of a sequence of compact linear operators be compact?

#25: The compactness criterion

#24: What are compact linear operators?

#23: Resolvent equation in Banach algebra

#22: Properties of Banach algebra-III

#21: Properties of Banach algebra-II

#20: Properties of Banach algebra-I

#19: Connection of spectra with Banach algebra

#18: What is normed and Banach algebra?

#17: Result on spectral radius

#16: The spectrum of a bounded linear operator is non-empty

#15: Role of complex analysis in spectral theory

#14: Linear independence of eigenvectors of a linear operator