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Nukkad Natak on 'World Breast feeding Week'.

World ORS Day celebration by Interns (FMG's) . @Lnctvu.ac.in.

Meet our feild worker, ASHA. #education #motivation

General knowledge about FAP ??? what we do, how we do, where we do.

How to use Yuvaan+saims app in your phone to view your report. #education #students

Family Adoption Work on field....Realtime update.

Health talk on World Population Day By Interns @Lnctvu.ac.in.

A Nukkad Natak on 'World Population Day'.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by Interns @sriaurobindouniversity .

World No Tobacco Day Celebration, Nukkad Natak by Interns@LNMC and Sewakunj Hospital, Indore.

World Environmental Day https://www.youtube.com/@ThePSMCouple

World No Tobacco Day celebration by Interns Doctor @sriaurobindouniversity

World No Tobacco Day @sriaurobindohospital by Interns of Community Medicine Dept.

World No Tobacco Day celebration, A Nukkad Natak by Interns.

' TB Take over: Interns' Nukkad Natak Shakes World TB Day!! '

' World Leprosy Day - Interns' Nukkad Natak ! '

AIDS Day celebration by interns @LNCT Sewakunj Hospital.

What is Family Adoption Program ??? #students #teacherjob #collegelife

Family Adoption Program for First yr. MBBS sucessfully completed under the guidance of Dr. Sonia.

Infection control awareness in primary school by MBBS Interns.

Teachers Day Celebration 2023 by Medical students.

World Nutrition Week celebration at Anganwadi and school by Dept. Faculties.